ShemaleCanada is the perfect environment to advertise your shemale escort ad, Transgender related website, photographers, escort service. Our website has over 12, 000 UNIQUE visitors every day. Our Advertisement prices are very affordable and website traffic is high. Take a look below for examples of our banner spaces available.
Payment options available: Credit - Debit card (Visa & Mastercard).
Banner design fee: 35 Cad (in case you need to change your banner during a month)
==== Pausing your Banner or Vip & Premium profile ===
You can pause/stop your banner or VIP & Premium profile once it has been activated.
Just contact us directly by What's App or email.
The time you pause your profile will then be added onto the expiry date of your profile or banner.
Your PREMIUM profile is always placed on the rows just below the Vip profiles and are close to top of the page in all regions. You can upload up to 20 photos and numerous short videos to your profile. We Tweet the girls with Premium status more frequently. We can pause your Premium Status once you have activated it if you need to take time off. When you resume advertising we will add the days on to extend your expiry date.

Your VIP profile is always placed on the top rows in all regions. You can upload up to 50 photos and numerous short videos to your profile. We Tweet the girls with Vip status more frequently. We can pause your Vip Status once you have activated it if you need to take time off. When you resume advertising we will add the days on to extend your expiry date.

Your Big Header Banner is always displayed at the top of our website to attract the most attention and links directly to your profile on ShemaleCanada. We can pause your Banner once you have activated it if you need to take time off. When you resume advertising we will add the days on to extend your expiry date.

Your Big Sliding banner on top of the website AND Premium Advertisement will be visible on homepage and listed under PREMIUM section. It is possible to PAUSE advertisement at any time.

Big Sliding banner on top of the website AND VIP Advertisement will be visible on homepage and listed under VIP section. It is possible to PAUSE advertisement at any time.

Contact Us
ShemaleCanada is now under new administration.
If you need to send us a BITCOIN transfer by ATM, then use this Bitcoin Address: 1HuDADWauK6RzfXxeWxRSydfus33af15Qk
Louna tee 2, Mäepea, Kuusalu vald, Harju maakond, 74638 Estonia